Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Pattern Cutting - How to Draft a Basic Skirt Block Part 2

So in the first part of the tutorial I showed you how to draft the front of a basic skirt pattern, now I'll show you how to draft the back of the pattern.

Mark point L on the top left hand side of your paper and square both ways.
Then measure down 20.5 cm and mark point M

The measurement between point L and point N is the length of the back of your skirt plus a cm seam allowance.
For me the distance is still 36 cm

 Square at point M
The distance between point M and point O is a quarter of your hip measurement plus 1cm.
For me the distance is still 25cm
Square both ways at point O

Measure up to point R and measure down to point P
Join point P and point N

The distance between point S and point L should be a quarter of your waist measurement plus 4 cm for your dart.
For me this measurement is 21.5cm
Mark point T a cm above point S and draw a curved line to connect it to point L

Point U should be 15 cm from point O
Square up and mark point V when the line meets between points L and T
Point W is the dart length and should be 14cm below point V

The dart should be 4 cm wide
Half the dart allowance equally and join these points to point W

Mark the pattern as the back and add the Cut on Fold sign in the same way it was added to the front pattern and your finished.

This is just the basic block pattern which can be manipulated in hundreds of different ways to suit your designs. I'd quite like to upload a tutorial on the different ways to manipulate a pattern maybe next week. I'd also like to show a tutorial on how to construct a skirt based on this pattern in the near future. 

If you'd like to make a pattern for a waistband for this skirt there is a quick tutorial here

So anyway, I hope this is useful to you, let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything I haven't explained well. Thanks x

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